Interpreting the classical conflict studies concepts, the authors put forward an alternative methodology of state activity analysis, which is presented from the point of view of the level of conflict responsibility and irresponsibility in state social conflicts management. The article deals with the concepts of responsibility, genesis and moral basis of responsibility, and the interrelation of conflict as a means of needs satisfaction and responsibility. The research results in a model of conflict responsibility that helps to analyse the efficiency of the defence of social actors’ interests by the state. Major social subjects often delegate the right to defend their interests to the state, This phenomenon is interpreted as conflict responsibility. A rating scale of conflict responsibility levels is offered: from a low level, where the fact of taking responsibility by the state is manifested, to a high one, where the defence of conflict interests becomes apparent in political reality.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)1104-1112
ЖурналLife Science Journal
Номер выпуска11(10)
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2014

ID: 5725553