Several factors shaped nationality policy in Bashkiria in 1917-25: involvement of the central Bolshevik and regional White governments and activities of Muslim and Turko-Tatar elites, but Bashkir elites' activism proved most significant. At first (1917-19) a long-range approach to practical organizational steps predominated. National activists in this period proceeded mainly on the higher elite level, proclaiming their principles and organizing national governing institutions; at the lower level they only disseminated propaganda of their views. In the second phase (1919-25), with Soviet power established in the Southern Urals a crucial struggle occurred concerning forms of national autonomy for Bashkiria and significant attention was paid to extending nationality policy to lower administrative levels. The main forms of struggle to achieve national autonomy's objectives were convening congresses of deputies, forming assorted power structures based upon the congresses, establishing contacts with various governm
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ЖурналRussian History
Номер выпуска1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2017

ID: 7752743