Summary: The author is of the opinion that as a result of Alexander the Great's conquest of Syria (late 333-332 BC), which had been a single administrative entity under the Achaemenids, it was divided into two satrapies - the northern and the southern one. He believes that Menon, son of Cerdimmas, was appointed as the first head of the northern satrapy (winter 333/332), to be replaced by Arimmas (early spring 331), who, in his turn, was succeeded by Asclepiodorus, son of Eunicus (late summer 331). Besides, it seems that Andromachus became the first head of the southern satrapy (shortly before winter 332/331), and after he was killed, Menon, transferred from the north to the south, took his place (early spring 331). Already in Alexander's lifetime, probably in 329/328, Syria was once again merged into one satrapy. It is unclear who was installed as satrap of the unified region. At any rate, it could not have been Menes, son of Dionysius: the hypothesis that in winter 331/330 he was made satrap of the new province including Syria and Cilicia does not stand scrutiny. In the author's view, the main task Alexander assigned to Menes was to take control and then to keep open and organized the sea communications with the coast of Syria, Phoenicia and Cilicia, and in the matters concerning these activities Menes was fully independent of the local satraps.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)505-537
Число страниц33
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 30 ноя 2021

    Области исследований

  • Alexander the Great, Syria, Persia

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Классические науки
  • История

ID: 93228625