• May Al-Maghrebi
  • Hervé Brulé
  • Marina Padkina
  • Carrie Allen
  • W. Michael Holmes
  • Zendra E. Zehner

Previously, we have shown that the vimentin 3′ untranslated region (3′ UTR) contains a highly conserved region, which is sufficient for the perinuclear localization of a reporter mRNA. This region was shown to specifically bind protein(s) by band shift analyses. UV-cross-linking studies suggest these proteins are 46- and 35-kDa in mass. Here, we have used this sequence as 'bait' to isolate RNA binding proteins using the yeast three-hybrid method. This technique relies on a functional assay detecting bona fide RNA-protein interaction in vivo. Three cDNA isolates, HAX-1, eEF-1c and hRIP, code for proteins of a size consistent with in vitro cross-linking studies. In all cases, recombinant proteins were capable of binding RNA in vitro. Although hRIP is thought to be a general mRNA binding protein, this represents an unreported activity for eEF-Iγ and HAX-1. Moreover, HAX-1 binding appears to be specific to vimentin's 3′ UTR. Both in vivo synthesized eEF-1γ and HAX-1 proteins were 'pulled out' of HeLa whole cell extracts by binding to a RNA affinity column comprised of vimentin's 3′ UTR. Moreover, size-fractionation of extracts results in the separation of large complexes containing either eEF-1γ or HAX-1. Thus, in addition to their known functions, both eEF-1γ and HAX-1 are RNA binding proteins, which suggests new roles in mRNA translation and/or perinuclear localization.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)5017-5028
Число страниц12
ЖурналNucleic Acids Research
Номер выпуска23
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 дек 2002

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ID: 36922362