We study the rational Picard group of the projectivized moduli space PM¯g(n) of holomorphic n-differentials on complex genus g stable curves. We define n- 1 natural classes in this Picard group that we call Prym-Tyurin classes. We express these classes as linear combinations of boundary divisors and the divisor of n-differentials with a double zero. We give two different proofs of this result, using two alternative approaches: an analytic approach that involves the Bergman tau function and its vanishing divisor and an algebro-geometric approach that involves cohomological computations on the universal curve.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)213-246
Число страниц34
ЖурналMathematische Annalen
Номер выпуска1-2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 8 окт 2019

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ID: 98425834