• E. Gazave
  • D.V. Lavrov
  • J. Cabrol
  • E. Renard
  • C. Rocher
  • J. Vacelet
  • M. Adamska
  • C. Borchiellini
  • A.V. Ereskovsky
The family Oscarellidae is one of the two families in the class Homoscleromorpha (phylum Porifera) and is characterized by the absence of a skeleton and the presence of a specific mitochondrial gene, tatC. This family currently encompasses sponges in two genera: Oscarella with 17 described species and Pseudocorticium with one described species. Although sponges in this group are relatively well-studied, phylogenetic relationships among members of Oscarellidae and the validity of genus Pseudocorticium remain open questions. Here we present a phylogenetic analysis of Oscarellidae using four markers (18S rDNA, 28S rDNA, atp6, tatC), and argue that it should become a mono-generic family, with Pseudocorticium being synonymized with Oscarella, and with the transfer of Pseudocorticium jarrei to Oscarella jarrei. We show that the genus Oscarella can be subdivided into four clades, each of which is supported by either a small number of morphological characters or by molecular synapomorphies. In addition, we describe t
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)1-22 (e63976)
ЖурналPLoS ONE
Номер выпуска8-5
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2013

ID: 7375081