• Valeri Tolstoy
  • Jawayria Mujtaba
  • Aleksei Kuzin
  • Guoxiang Chen
  • Fenyang Zhu
  • Fedor Fedorov
  • Gaoshan Huang
  • Vadim Kovalyuk
  • Gregory Goltsman
  • Dmitry Gorin
  • Albert Nasibulin
  • Brij Mohan
  • Alexander Solovev
  • Yongfeng Mei
Catalytic valveless micropumps, and membraneless fuel cells are the class of
devices that utilize the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water
and oxygen. Nonetheless, a significant obstacle that endures within the
discipline pertains to the pragmatic open circuit potential (OCP) of hydrogen
peroxide FCs (H2O2 FCs), which fails to meet the theoretical OCP.
Additionally, bubble formation significantly contributes to this disparity, as it
disrupts the electrolyte’s uniformity and interferes with reaction dynamics. In
addition, issues such as catalyst degradation and poor kinetics can impact the
overall cell efficiency. The development of high-performance H2O2-FCs
necessitates the incorporation of selective electrocatalysts with a high surface
area. However, porous micro-structures of the electrode impedes the
transport of fuel and the removal of reaction byproducts, thereby hindering
the attainment of technologically significant rates. To address these
challenges, including bubble formation, the review highlights the potential of
integrating electrokinetic and bubble-driven micropumps. An alternative
approach involves the spatiotemporal separation of fuel and oxidizer through
the use of laminar flow-based fuel cell (LFFC). The present review addresses
multifaceted challenges of H2O2-powered FCs, and proposes integration of
electrokinetic and bubble-driven micropumps, emphasizing the critical role of
bubble management in improving H2O2 FC performance.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи2302052
ЖурналAdvanced Materials Technologies
Номер выпуска14
Дата раннего онлайн-доступа12 июн 2024
СостояниеОпубликовано - 22 июл 2024

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ID: 121134905