The structure of bacterial suspensions of Escherichia coli M-17 at the counting concentrations of the cells 10(7), 10(8), 10(9) i/ml and in the temperature range of (18-50) degrees C has been investigated by means of orientational conductometric, electron microscopic and UV-spectroscopic methods. On the basis of experimental relationships of the anisotropy of suspensions electric conductivity upon the intensity of a sinusoidal electric field and relaxation of anisotropy after switching off the field the function of the distribution of bacteria with respect to their sizes was evaluated at different temperatures and concentrations. The conductometric function of bacteria distribution is in a good agreement with the analogous function obtained with the help of the electron microscope. In accordance with the functions the suspension of E. coli contained three kinds of cells: high electronic density, low electronic density bacteria and bacteria aggregates. Relative amounts of every kind of bacteria depended on temperature and concentration of cells. The minimum of bacteria aggregates and maximum of low electronic density cells were obtained in the temperature range of (32-42) degrees C. This fact could be explained by the activation of the transport membrane systems in this temperature range. This hypothesis was confirmed by the UV-spectroscopic method.

Переведенное названиеStructure of an Escherichia coli bacterial suspension
Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)1043-1047
Число страниц5
Номер выпуска6
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 ноя 1991

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ID: 50546743