• V. A. Sadykov
  • M. S. Koroleva
  • I. V. Piir
  • N. V. Chezhina
  • D. A. Korolev
  • P. I. Skriabin
  • A. V. Krasnov
  • E. M. Sadovskaya
  • N. F. Eremeev
  • S. V. Nekipelov
  • V. N. Sivkov

Cobalt- or Zn-doped bismuth titanates and Mg + Cu-doped bismuth niobate were synthesized by the method of organic-inorganic precursors combustion. Distribution of dopants over the sites of the pyrochlore structure was elucidated by X-ray powder diffraction structure refinement and pycnometric density analysis. Zinc and cobalt cations are mainly located in Bi sites appearing also in Ti sites at their high content. Mg cations are located only in Nb sites, while Cu cations are equally distributed between Bi and Nb sites. Magnetic susceptibility data confirm Сo2 + state of cobalt atoms revealed by NEXAFS. Antiferromagnetic exchange appears when Сo atoms enter the titanium sites. Electronic conductivity of p-type dominates for Co-doped samples in the 160–750 °C temperature range. The oxygen mobility and surface reactivity were studied by the oxygen isotope heteroexchange with C18O2 in isothermal and temperature-programmed modes. Mobility of the lattice oxygen can be described by a homogeneous model. The oxygen mobility and surface reactivity are comparable for doped bismuth titanates and niobates correlating with conductivity and being the highest for Co and Cu-doped samples with disordered distribution of dopants between lattice sites. Classification codes A6630L A7280G A8120E A8170J B2130 B2520E

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)33-39
Число страниц7
ЖурналSolid State Ionics
СостояниеОпубликовано - фев 2018

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ID: 33891922