We present the results of our analysis of the frequencies of galaxies with tidal tails and M51-type galaxies in several deep fields of the Hubble Space Telescope (HDF-N, HDF-S, HUDF, GOODS, GEMS). In total, we have found about seven hundred interacting galaxies at redshifts z ≤ 1.5 in these fields. At z ≤ 0.7, the observed space densities of galaxies with tidal structures and M51-type galaxies have been found to increase as ∝(1 + z)^m , where m ≈ 2.6. According to our estimates, over the last 6–7 Gyr, i.e., at z ≤ 0.7, about a third of the galaxies with M(B) ≤ −18 mag must have undergone strong gravitational perturbations and mergers and ∼1/10−1/5 of the galaxies have swallowed relatively low-mass nearby satellites typical of M51-type galaxies. The possible decrease in the time scale on which a distant galaxy appears peculiar with growing z can increase considerably the estimated rate of mergers.