
Information on all spring migratory stops of swans on the Gulf of Finland was collected for the study. The materials published in Russian were analyzed, as well as unpublished data from various researchers. Counts were conducted almost on all stops in 2018. Long-term observations were carried out on several areas. The number of Whooper Swans and Bewick’s Swans has significantly decreased compare to the 1970s on the Gulf of Finland. In the 1970s, up to 2000 Bewick’s Swans had stopovers on the Lebyazhye and in the eastern part of the Neva Bay (Malchevsky, Pukinsky 1983). In the 21st century, up to 2000 swans could be found on the Kurgalsky Peninsula only. Up to 400 swans were observed in the reserve "Northern coast of the Neva Bay", about 100 birds have stops in the reserve "Lebyazhye" and on the Moshchny Island. These are the largest swan stopovers on the Gulf of Finland in the present days. On the other areas flocks of several dozen birds have stops. The number of birds in the stopovers varies greatly over the years, and in certain seasons it can decrease by an order of magnitude. In the 1980s, stopovers in St. Petersburg near the Krestovsky Island (400 Whooper Swans in 1975), near the Vasilievsky Island (up to 2000 Bewick’s Swans in 1975), at the mouth of the Great Neva (several dozen birds in 1980s) (Malchevsky, Pukinsky 1983) almost disappeared due to the growth of new areas of the city. Also in the 2000s, two stopovers disappeared due to the construction of the Port of Bronka and the Ust-Luga Port (about 200 birds). Currently, the most intense anthropogenic impact is experienced by the Kronstadt Colony, Lakhta, the mouth of the river Luga, the Vyborgsky reserve, the Berezovye Islands. The main negative factors are water turbidity, construction of ports and urban infrastructure, dredging and extraction of sand from the bottom.
Переведенное названиеВесенние миграционные остановки лебедей на Финском заливе
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикации6th International Swan Symposium
Подзаголовок основной публикацииProgramme and book of abstracts
Число страниц1
СостояниеОпубликовано - окт 2018
Событие6th International Swan Symposium - Estonian University of Life Sciences, Тарту, Эстония
Продолжительность: 16 окт 201819 окт 2018
Номер конференции: 6


конференция6th International Swan Symposium
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