• M. Theo Rekveldt
  • Jeroen Plomp
  • Wim G. Bouwman
  • Wicher H. Kraan
  • Serguei Grigoriev
  • Menno Blaauw

We describe two spin-echo instruments for neutron small angle scattering, which have been installed at the reactor institute in Delft. The first setup is using a monochromatic beam and magnetized foils as spin flippers, while the second uses resonant spin flippers in a pulsed neutron beam. The components that play an essential role for operation are described in some detail. Each setup has specific advantages in its range of spin-echo lengths that covers the range of correlation lengths that could be measured. This is demonstrated in a comparative measurement, the setup with magnetized foils measuring at spin-echo-lengths up to 20 μm and the setup with resonant flippers measuring in the range up to 0.5 μm.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи033901
ЖурналReview of Scientific Instruments
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - мар 2005

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ID: 86432703