• Alexander Generalov
  • Mikhail M. Otrokov
  • Alla Chikina
  • Kristin Kliemt
  • Kurt Kummer
  • Marc Hoeppner
  • Monika Guettler
  • Silvia Seiro
  • Alexander Fedorov
  • Susanne Schulz
  • Steffen Danzenbaecher
  • Evgueni V. Chulkov
  • Christoph Geibel
  • Clemens Laubschat
  • Pavel Dudin
  • Moritz Hoesch
  • Timur Kim
  • Milan Radovic
  • Ming Shi
  • Nicholas C. Plumb
  • Cornelius Krellner

Finding ways to create and control the spin-dependent properties of two-dimensional electron states (2DESs) is a major challenge for the elaboration of novel spin based devices. Spin orbit and exchange magnetic interactions (SOI and EMI) are two fundamental fundamental mechanisms that enable access to the tunability of spin-dependent properties of carriers. The silicon surface of HoRh2Si2 appears to be a unique model system, where concurrent SOT and EMI can be visualized and controlled by varying the temperature. The beauty and simplicity of this system lie in the 4f moments, which act as a multiple tuning instrument on the 2DESs, as the 4f projections parallel and perpendicular to the surface order at essentially different temperatures. Here we show that the SOI locks the spins of the 2DESs exclusively in the surface plane when the 4f moments are disordered: the Rashba-Bychkov effect. When the temperature is gradually lowered and the system experiences magnetic order, the rising EMI progressively competes with the SOT leading to a fundamental change in the spin-dependent properties of the 2DESs. The spins rotate and reorient toward the out-of-plane Ho 4f moments. Our findings show that the direction of the spins and the spin-splitting of the two-dimensional electrons at the surface can be manipulated in a controlled way by using only one parameter: the temperature.

Язык оригиналаАнглийский
Страницы (с-по)811-820
Число страниц10
ЖурналNano Letters
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2017

ID: 9323180