• A. A. Andreev
  • V. G. Borodin
  • V. N. Chernov
  • V. Charukhchev
  • V. M. Komarov
  • V. A. Malinov
  • V. M. Migel
  • N. V. Nikitin
  • K. Yu Platonov
  • Y. Q. Gu
  • Z. J. Zheng
  • J. B. Chen
  • W. Hong
  • W. Z. Huang
  • J. X. Ge

Laser plasma produced with high-intensity picosecond laser pulse like proton source for radiography was investigated. It was found that maximum particle output and best possible spatial uniformity of proton beam took place for two-layer target when the front layer was the high-Z film. It was shown that the ion radiography of the convenient objects with using the two-layer targets allow to get the projecting pictures with high spatial resolution that was about one micron. The explanation of such high spatial resolution is in laminar motion of ion flow. Threshold spatial sensitivity of proton radiography is estimated.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи597507
ЖурналProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2005
СобытиеTopical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics - St.Petersburg, Российская Федерация
Продолжительность: 2 авг 20059 авг 2005

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