PURPOSE: Germline mutations in CHEK2 gene represent the second most frequent cause of hereditary breast cancer (BC) after BRCA1/2 lesions. This study aimed to identify the molecular characteristics of CHEK2-driven BCs.

METHODS: Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) for the remaining CHEK2 allele was examined in 50 CHEK2-driven BCs using allele-specific PCR assays for the germline mutations and analysis of surrounding single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Paired tumor and normal DNA samples from 25 cases were subjected to next-generation sequencing analysis.

RESULTS: CHEK2 LOH was detected in 28/50 (56%) BCs. LOH involved the wild-type allele in 24 BCs, mutant CHEK2 copy was deleted in 3 carcinomas, while in one case the origin of the deleted allele could not be identified. Somatic PIK3CA and TP53 mutations were present in 13/25 (52%) and 4/25 (16%) tumors, respectively. Genomic features of homologous recombination deficiency (HRD), including the HRD score ≥ 42, the predominance of BRCA-related mutational signature 3, and the high proportion of long (≥ 5 bp) indels, were observed only in 1/20 (5%) BC analyzed for chromosomal instability. Tumors with the deleted wild-type CHEK2 allele differed from LOH-negative cases by elevated HRD scores (median 23 vs. 7, p = 0.010) and higher numbers of chromosomal segments affected by copy number aberrations (p = 0.008).

CONCLUSION: Somatic loss of the wild-type CHEK2 allele is observed in approximately half of CHEK2-driven BCs. Tumors without CHEK2 LOH are chromosomally stable. BCs with LOH demonstrate some signs of chromosomal instability; however, its degree is significantly lower as compared to BRCA1/2-associated cancers.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)283-291
Число страниц9
ЖурналBreast Cancer Research and Treatment
Номер выпуска2
Дата раннего онлайн-доступа12 янв 2022
СостояниеОпубликовано - апр 2022
Опубликовано для внешнего пользованияДа

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Онкология
  • Исследования рака

ID: 91805277