Data on the morphology and major physical and chemical properties of 130 pedons sampled in the ice-free area of the Fildes Peninsula and adjacent Ardley Island (King George Island, West Antarctica) are analyzed, and the soil-geomorphological map of the surveyed area on the scale of 1:10 000 is presented. The soils have been classified according to the WRB (2014/2015) system. The map provides information on the soil cover patterns in relation to geomorphic elements and also reflects the degree of anthropogenic load on the studied territory. Nearly half (42.9%) of the total area is covered by different subgroups of Cryosols. Flat watersheds are mainly occupied by Protic Arenosols (Turbic) (22.9%). Leptosols are mainly represented by the Lithic (Ochric) subgroup covering 13.8% of the area. Fluvisols are locally developed in the tidal zone (3.3% of the total area) and are represented by the Tidalic (Skeletic) subgroup. The unique area of Fibric Cryic Histosol (0.02%) is separately delineated. Various Hyperskeletic Technosols (Toxic, Transportic, and Urbic) are formed under the influence of human loads and cover about 0.9% of the Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island. The map as the main result of the study can be used for monitoring and forecasting the environmental changes of soil cover pattern under the global climate change and local anthropogenic impact.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи104613
Число страниц10
СостояниеОпубликовано - окт 2020

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  • Процессы поверхности земли

ID: 53075036