The drift of spheroidal and spherical grains in the envelopes of M
giants is considered. It is found that for small metallic grains, the
velocity relative to the gas should strongly depend on the grain shape.
For example, the velocity of a dirty iron spheroid with a semiaxes ratio
of 2-4 is about 1.5-3 times larger than the velocity of an equal volume
sphere, the difference of the velocities being as large as a 1 km/s.
Probably, a dependence of the velocity on grain shape also occurs for
normal size silicate grains. Thus, in modeling the dynamics of the
envelopes, one should bear in mind the possibility of a much more
efficient interaction of radiation with dust than usually proposed due
to a deviation of grains' shape from a spherical one. The same effect
could occur in the envelopes of carbon-rich giants and protostars.