Stress during simultaneous interpreting is widely discussed but rarely measured. In our pilot study we set up an experimental model with 4 consecutive tasks: interpreting from and into a foreign language (English, n=4; German, n=6; native tongue - Russian), and shadowing both in a foreign language and in a mother tongue. 10 students trained to become simultaneous interpreters (9 females, 1 male; aged 23-28) participated in the experiment. The interpreters worked in pairs for an hour replacing each other after each task. The psychophysiological tests carried out before and after the perfomance included an original emotional disadaptation test, campimetry, senso-motor activity test, laterometry and Stroop test. The measurements were performed via Zephyr HxM Smart Heart Rate Monitor in the framework of event-related telemetry registering heart rate variability and stress episodes. According to the analysis of the HRV dynamics, the most stressful activity is revealed in simultaneous interpreting from a foreign la
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СостояниеОпубликовано - 2016
Опубликовано для внешнего пользованияДа

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