• T. Peradze
  • I. Stamateli
  • J. Cederstrom
  • T. Berikashvili
  • A. Razov
  • K. Gorgadze

The degree of recoverable strain, reactive stress and pseudoelasticity of some Ti-Ta-Zr alloys were investigated. The measurement technique involved differential calorimetry, estimation of friction and evaluation of recoverable torsion strain. The alloys were quenched from different temperatures of the β-phase area and subjected to additional thermal and mechanical treatment required for subsequent examination. The degree of recoverable strain was measured on custom-made unit. The samples have been heated by electrical current and using a furnace. Initial deformation of the specimens was achieved by torsion. For all of the alloys the shape recovery was not less than 90-98% for initial strain up to 7-9%. M s and A s values for the alloys range in 298-433 K and 523-673 K interval. These allowed to conventionally consider the shape memory effect in these alloys as a "high temperature" (respectively to TiNi) phenomenon. The values of the reactive stress induced by reverse martensite transformation in the alloys was measured to be 300-550 MPa. After 3-4 cycles the pseudoelasticity of the alloys (strain-stress cycled at room temperature), for the initial strain - 3.5-4%, comes up to 100%.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)39-43
Число страниц5
ЖурналInternational Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
Номер выпуска1-2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 17 июл 2006

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ID: 36982947