Within the framework of the nonadiabatic model developed earlier, a semiempirical analysis is performed of experimental data available in the literature for the radiative lifetimes of rovibronic levels of the I1 Πg- and J1Δg states of the H2 molecule, and the most reliable results are selected, from which absolute values of the adiabatic dipole moments of the 3d1Πg → 2p1σu + , 3d1Πg → 2p1Πu, and 3d1Πg → 2p1Πu electronic transitions in the hydrogen molecule are obtained. In this analysis, information was used on relative values of the dipole moments obtained in our earlier analysis of the rotational and vibrational branching ratios for transitions from these levels to rovibronic levels of the C1Πu and B1σu states. It is established that the absolute values of dipole moments of the 3d1Πg → 2p1Πu and 3d1Δ → 2p1Πu transitions obtained in this work are smaller in magnitude by 20-30% than the results of ab initia calculations in the region of internuclear separations r - 1.6-2.8 au. For the 3d1Πg → 2p1σu + transition, these data coincide in the vicinity of r = 2 au; however, the r-dependence found by the semiempirical analysis is approximately twice as strong as that resulting from nonempirical calculations.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)837-843
Число страниц7
ЖурналOptics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya)
Номер выпуска6
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 дек 1997

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ID: 33269614