Selivanovaite, NaTi3(Ti, Na, Fe, Mn)4[(Si2O7)2O4(OH,H2O)4]·nH2O, is a new titanosilicate of the murmanite group (seidozerite supergroup). It is triclinic, P1, a=8.673(5), b=8.694(3), c=12.21(1) Å, a = 92.70(5), b = 108.46(7), g = 105.40(4)°, V=833(1) Å3, Z = 2 (from single-crystal diffraction data); a=8.673(5), b=8.694(1), c=12.21(1) Å, a = 92.70(5), b = 108.52(1), g = 105.42(1)°, V=833(1) Å3, Z = 2 (from powder diffraction data). The mineral was found in drill cores of medium-grained trachytoid eudialyte-rich malignite of the Lovozero eudyalite complex at Mt. Alluaiv, at the horizon 900–1000 m above the Baltic Sea level. The rock consists mainly of euhedral microcline-perthite, nepheline and manganoeudialyte crystals cemented by fine-acicular aegirine. Minor rock-forming minerals include sodalite, natrolite, magnesioarfvedsonite, and selivanovaite (up to 10 modal %). Characteristic accessory minerals are lamprophyllite, murmanite, loparite-(Ce), a pyrochlore-group mineral, thorite, anatase, baryte, rhabdophane-(Ce), pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, chlorbartonite, djerfisherite, sphalerite, and löllingite. Selivanovaite forms platy metacrysts (up to 8 mm in diameter) with numerous poikilitic inclusions of aegirine and magnesioarfvedsonite. It is dark-orange, with a vitreous lustre and a brownish-white streak. The cleavage is perfect on {0 0 1} and weak on {1 1 0}, the fracture is stepped. Mohs hardness is 3. In transmitted light, the mineral is brown; pleochroism and dispersion were not observed. Selivanovaite is biaxial (+), a 1.79(1), b 1.81(1), g 1.87(1) (589 nm), 2Vmeas = 40(5)°, 2Vcalc = 57.3°. The optical orientation is Z^c = 5–10°. The calculated and measured densities are 3.34 and 3.15(3) g · cm3, respectively. The mean chemical composition determined by electron microprobe is: Na2O 5.45, MgO 0.59, Al2O3 0.04, SiO2 25.55, K2O 0.63, CaO 1.68, TiO2 31.17, MnO 2.64, FeO 6.63, ZrO2 2.31, Nb2O5 6.69, with H2O 17.0 wt% (determined by the Penfield method), giving a total of 100.38 wt%. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of Si = 4 atoms per formula unit (apfu) is (Na1.65Mn0.35Ca0.28Zr0.18Mg0.14K0.13)S2.73(Ti3.67Fe3+ 0:78Nb0.47Al0.01)S4.93[Si4O19.72] · 8.87H2O. The simplified formula based upon the crystal-structure refinement is NaTi3(TiNaFeMn0.50.50)S4[(Si2O7)2O4(OH)2(H2O)2] · nH2O or, taking into account chemical variations, NaTi3(Ti, Na, Fe, Mn)4[(Si2O7)2O4(OH,H2O)4] · nH2O. The mineral slowly dissolves in cold 10% HCl. The strongest X-ray powder-diffraction lines [listed as d in Å (I)(hkl)] are: 11.43(1 0 0)(0 0 1), 6.37(25)(1 1 1), 5.73 (15)(0 0 2), 4.208(16)(2 1 1), 3.108(35)(2 2 1), 3.043(20)(1 0 4), and 2.596(17)(0 1 4). The crystal structure of selivanovaite is closely related to those of murmanite-group minerals and consists of the HOH-layers with the composition [N2M5Si4O18(OH)3] (M = Ti, Nb, Fe and Mn, N = Na, K, Ca, Mn, Mg and Zr) connected by additional N-octahedra with H2O molecules between them. The mineral is named in honour of Dr. Ekaterina A. Selivanova (b. 1967), from the Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, for her contribution to the mineralogy of alkaline complexes.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)525-535
Число страниц11
ЖурналEuropean Journal of Mineralogy
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - мая 2018

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Геохимия и петрология

ID: 35994366