During the evaporation of solutions of crystalline organic scintillators (toluene, stilbene) with a resonance-filler impurity, microcrystals are formed which do not contain the resonance impurity. A more or less uniform distribution of the filler particles in the volume of the crystalline organic phosphor was achieved by introducing finely dispersive SnO//2 powder into the molten scintillator. The SnO//2 resonance filler was prepared by thermal decomposition of tin oxalate (enriched to 96% **1**1**9Sn) at a temperature similar 800 degree C during a period of 2 h. An amount equal to 5 mg of the powder obtained was mixed with 150 mg of the scintillator (tolane, stilbene), and the mixture was ground under a layer of ethyl alcohol until a pasty mass was obtained. The latter was transferred onto the transparent substrate ( similar 5 cm**2) and heated to the melting temperature of the scintillator (T//m for tolane is 60 degree C, and T//m for stilbene is 124 degree C). Then the melt was chilled. The data show that the described method allows an effective s. r. d. to be obtained for Mossbauer research with **1**1**9Sn.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)1724-1725
Число страниц2
ЖурналInstrum Exp Tech
Номер выпуска6 pt 1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 янв 1975

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ID: 32864502