• Rebecca L. Howie
  • Lina Manuela Jay-Garcia
  • Denis A. Kiktev
  • Quincy L. Faber
  • Margaret Murphy
  • Katherine A. Rees
  • Numera Sachwani
  • Yury O. Chernoff

Self-perpetuating transmissible protein aggregates, termed prions, are implicated in mammalian diseases and control phenotypically detectable traits in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast stress-inducible chaperone proteins, including Hsp104 and Hsp70-Ssa that counteract cytotoxic protein aggregation, also control prion propagation. Stress-damaged proteins that are not disaggregated by chaperones are cleared from daughter cells via mother-specific asymmetric segregation in cell divisions following heat shock. Short-term mild heat stress destabilizes [PSI+], a prion isoform of the yeast translation termination factor Sup35. This destabilization is linked to the induction of the Hsp104 chaperone. Here, we show that the region of Hsp104 known to be required for curing by artificially overproduced Hsp104 is also required for heat-shock-mediated [PSI+] destabilization. Moreover, deletion of the SIR2 gene, coding for a deacetylase crucial for asymmetric segregation of heat-damaged proteins, also counteracts heat-shock-mediated destabilization of [PSI+], and Sup35 aggregates are colocalized with aggregates of heat-damaged proteins marked by Hsp104-GFP. These results support the role of asymmetric segregation in prion destabilization. Finally, we show that depletion of the heat-shock noninducible ribosome-associated chaperone Hsp70-Ssb decreases heat-shock-mediated destabilization of [PSI+], while disruption of a cochaperone complex mediating the binding of Hsp70-Ssb to the ribosome increases prion loss. Our data indicate that Hsp70-Ssb relocates from the ribosome to the cytosol during heat stress. Cytosolic Hsp70-Ssb has been shown to antagonize the function of Hsp70-Ssa in prion propagation, which explains the Hsp70-Ssb effect on prion destabilization by heat shock. This result uncovers the stress-related role of a stress noninducible chaperone.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)757-771
Номер выпуска3
Дата раннего онлайн-доступа10 июл 2019
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2019

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Генетика

ID: 49545740