• Artem M. Biblin
  • Genrietta V. Arkhangelskaya
  • Svetlana A. Zelentsova
  • Evgeniy V. Khramtsov
  • Ruslan R. Akhmatdinov
  • Nikolay V. Sokolov
  • Viktor S. Repin

A survey of the population of the Leningrad and Murmansk regions was conducted in 2016–2017. The survey was devoted to the study of preferred sources of information on radiation safety. The sample size in the Leningrad region was 962 respondents, and in the Murmansk region – 802 respondents. It was found that less than 30% of respondents living in the Leningrad and Murmansk regions show interest in obtaining information on radiation safety. The respondents noted the greatest importance in obtaining information on three topics: «the effect of radiation on the body and the impact on health», «radiation protection measures available at the place of residence», and «dangerous and safe radiation levels». The possibility of obtaining accessible and regular information about the radiation situation in the place of residence is in demand among approximately 45% of respondents in the Leningrad region and 37% in the Murmansk region. Television, Internet and the SMS alerts were most often chosen by respondents as the most appropriate source of such information. With age, the proportion of users of traditional media, especially television, is increasing, among women slightly more than among men. The population revealed distrust of the media as sources of information about the radiation situation and safety, the confidence index for all types of media is negative. In the Murmansk region, the index of confidence in the media is lower than that in the Leningrad region. Among all types of mass media, TV has the greatest confidence in the population. On the Internet, the official websites of Rospotrebnadzor and Rosatom, as well as the official websites of local authorities in the Leningrad region, which have positive trust index, have the greatest confidence in the population. Search services, blogs, social networks, media sites, and official sites of local authorities in the Murmansk region have negative confidence index. More than a half of the population considers the inclusion of special training programs in the system of secondary and higher education to be the most effective method of improving environmental literacy. The following methods of educational work are also in demand: lectures and seminars with the participation of specialists and watching videos.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)60-73
Число страниц14
ЖурналRadiatsionnaya Gygiena
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 янв 2018

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Радиология, радиационная медицина и радионуклидная визуализация

ID: 48773503