• A. Polyakov
  • C. Tusche
  • M. Ellguth
  • E. D. Crozier
  • K. Mohseni
  • M. M. Otrokov
  • X. Zubizarreta
  • M. G. Vergniory
  • M. Geilhufe
  • E. V. Chulkov
  • A. Ernst
  • H. L. Meyerheim
  • S. S.P. Parkin

In the Comment on our publication [Phys. Rev. B 95, 180202(R) (2017)2469-995010.1103/PhysRevB.95.180202], R. A. Gordon claims that our main conclusion is not valid, namely that gold atoms deposited in situ on the (0001) surface of single-crystalline Bi2Se3 reside in substitutional sites, i.e., replacing bismuth atoms within the topmost quintuple layer (QL). Based on x-ray absorption near-edge (XANES) spectra and a re-evaluation of extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) data above the Au LIII edge, R. A. Gordon concludes that Au resides in a twofold environment as a result of an interface reaction leading to an Au2S-type local structure, in which gold adopts an Au(I) state and is linearly coordinated by selenium atoms. In this Reply, we will confirm the results published in the original paper and their interpretation that Au atoms reside in the substitutional site.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи136202
Число страниц4
ЖурналPhysical Review B
Номер выпуска13
СостояниеОпубликовано - 31 окт 2018

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ID: 36280223