The prbabilities of spontaneous transitions in v″ progressions of the G1Σg + → B 1Σu + bands of the H2 molecule (the 3D → 2B electronic transition in notations of G.H. Dieke) are, for the first time, experimentally studied. The line strength ratios were measured for 78 G1Σg +, v′, j′ B 1Σu +, v″, J″ electronic-vibrational-rotational spectral lines having a common upper level but belonging to different bands of v″ progressions (the vibrational branching coefficients). For this purpose, the intensities of lines of the P and R branches, emitted by a low-pressure plasma and corresponding to different values of the rotational (J′ = 0-11) and vibrational (v′ = 0-3 and v″ = 0-7) quantum numbers, were used. It was found that the changes in the vibrational branching coefficients with variation of v′ and v″ are significant (up to a factor of 20). For most bands studied, the dependences of the vibrational branching coefficients on the rotational quantum number J′ of an upper level are rather weak and do not exceed 30%. It was established that the difference between the experimental values of ratios of the vibronic transition probabilities (summed over J″) and the results of calculation in the adiabatic approximation strongly depends on v′, reaching a factor of 25 for a transition from the v′ = 2 level. At the same time, the discrepancy between the experimental data and the results of nonadiabatic ab initio calculations lies between 1.0 and 2.3.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)835-843
Число страниц9
ЖурналOptics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya)
Номер выпуска6
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 июн 2000

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  • Атомная и молекулярная физика и оптика

ID: 33268568