The results of high-resolution spectropolarimetric observations (R = 60 000) of the B0.5-type subgiant εPerA are reported. Regular components of line profile variations with the frequencies 3.82–12.99 d−1 are found. A possible relation between the non-radial pulsations of the star and the observed regular variations of the line profiles is shown. A wavelet analysis of the difference of line profiles in the spectrum of ε Per A is performed. The amplitude of the wavelet spectrum is found to have two maxima at 10–20 and 50–60 km/s velocity scales. It is suggested that the first maximum corresponds to the amplitude of fluctuations in the velocity field of large-scale motions in the non-radially pulsating photosphere of the star, whereas the second maximum is associated with the variation of the halfwidths of spectral line profiles. An upper limit for the effective magnetic field of the star is inferred.