The main goal of the study is investigation of emotional expressions development in ontogenesis. The expression of emotions in the voice, speech, facial manifestations, behavior of healthy children (n=30) and children with neurological disorders, brought up in families (n=10), orphans from child´s home (n=30) were described during first three years of their life. The complex approach was used. It involves methods: perceptual, phonetic, spectrographic analysis of sounds and speech of children and mothers; analysis of behavior, facial expressions, gestures; psychophysiological methods (EEG, EP, heart rate). Acoustic characteristics of sounds pronounced in the state of comfort, discomfort and neutral (calm) were described. Pitch values, the range of pitch values, duration of utterances and vocalizations, two first formant frequencies are characteristics significant for recognition of child´s emotional state by auditors. It was revealed that recognition of child´s emotional state by auditors on the base of its vo
Язык оригиналаанглийский
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2015
Событие17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology - Braga, Португалия
Продолжительность: 7 сен 201511 сен 2015


конференция17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology
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