
  • 2024zubr

    Конечная издательская версия, 11,4 MB, Документ PDF


The European bison continues to be a conservation dependent species, as it inhabits small reserve areas that require strict management. To ensure the species’ long-term viability, it is imperative to expand both its population size and geographical range. However, achieving this expansion within its historical range poses challenges due to intensive land use and dense human populations. The objective of this study was to model the potential distribution of the European bison beyond its historical range, specifically in the boreal zone of Europe. Utilizing the maximum entropy method alongside bioclimatic variables and land use analysis, the research revealed a significant expanse of suitable territory. This suggests the feasibility of establishing a contiguous habitat capable of supporting a substantial European bison population. Factors such as ongoing global warming, deforestation, and agricultural decline are further enhancing the creation of favorable habitats for the species.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи126711
ЖурналJournal for Nature Conservation
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 дек 2024

ID: 124203880