• VICCCS group

Introduction: Progress in understanding and management of vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) has been hampered by lack of consensus on diagnosis, reflecting the use of multiple different assessment protocols. A large multinational group of clinicians and researchers participated in a two-phase Vascular Impairment of Cognition Classification Consensus Study (VICCCS) to agree on principles (VICCCS-1) and protocols (VICCCS-2) for diagnosis of VCI. We present VICCCS-2. Methods: We used VICCCS-1 principles and published diagnostic guidelines as points of reference for an online Delphi survey aimed at achieving consensus on clinical diagnosis of VCI. Results: Six survey rounds comprising 65–79 participants agreed guidelines for diagnosis of VICCCS-revised mild and major forms of VCI and endorsed the National Institute of Neurological Disorders–Canadian Stroke Network neuropsychological assessment protocols and recommendations for imaging. Discussion: The VICCCS-2 suggests standardized use of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders–Canadian Stroke Network recommendations on neuropsychological and imaging assessment for diagnosis of VCI so as to promote research collaboration.

Переведенное названиеДостижения в разработке критериев сосудистого когнитивного снижения в результате исследования возможностей их согласования
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)280-292
Число страниц13
ЖурналAlzheimer's and Dementia
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - мар 2018

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ID: 37620580