Crystals of a new uranyl sulfate (C2N4H8S2)[UO2(SO4)2]·0.3H2O (1) templated by a relatively rare bis-isothiouronium cation, were formed upon evaporation of aqueous solutions containing uranyl acetate, thiourea, and excess sulfuric acid. The new compound is orthorhombic, P212121, a = 6.928(2) Å, b = 13.398(3) Å, c = 15.225(3) Å, Z = 2. Its crystal structure is comprised of [UO2(SO4)2] moieties linked by hydrogen bonds formed between the template cations and terminal oxygen atoms of the sulfate tetrahedra. The C2N4H8S22+ template is most likely formed in situ during a redox reaction between uranyl cation and thiourea in a strongly acidic medium, with UO22+ partially reduced to U4+.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)540-543
Число страниц4
ЖурналZeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie
Номер выпуска11-12
СостояниеОпубликовано - 30 июн 2020

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Неорганическая химия

ID: 70369319