
This paper suggests a format for describing linear position of Russian appellatives. The term «appellatives» refers to units with similar functions and syntactic properties, namely truncated vocative forms and discursive markers of the type «slushaj» (lit. ‘listen-Imp.2Sg’). For such sequences as slushaj+Voc, nu+Voc, nu+slushaj etc. the notion of «appellative complex» is introduced. The format assumes distinction between accented and non-accented appellatives in
three positions. The position types are the following: (1) «initial isolated», (2) «middle accented», (3) «final accented», (4) «initial cooperated», (5) «middle non-accented» and (6) «final nonaccented». The sample from the speech corpus is analyzed. Vocatives can occupy any of the listed positions. Discursive marker «slushaj» does not appear in positions of the type (2) and (3).
Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)96-109
Число страниц14
ЖурналKomp'juternaja Lingvistika i Intellektual'nye Tehnologii
Номер выпуска17
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2018

    Области исследований

  • Russian spoken dialogue, speech corpus, address forms, truncated vocative, discourse markers, «look-forms», linear position

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Языки и лингвистика
  • Прикладные компьютерные науки
  • Языки и лингвистика

ID: 35911541