• S. M. Kotova
  • V. Z. Alesov
  • N. A. Karlova
  • G. P. Kudriasheva
  • A. I. Sokhor
  • A. V. Fedorova
  • N. A. Lebedeva

Electrolytic imbalance is a frequent finding in malabsorption syndrome. Derangement of calcium metabolism present clinically in different variants is most serious. Some patients develop hypocalcemia manifesting clinically with specific myasthenia, paresthesias, convulsions, hemorrhages, etc. In other variants severe skeletal lesions are seen which may become dominating in the clinical picture though hypocalcemia was absent. Investigation of calcium metabolism, hormonal profile (parathormone, in particular) in malabsorption syndrome can prognosticate and prevent the onset of osteomalacia.

Переведенное названиеOsteopathy in malabsorption syndromes
Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)74-78
Число страниц5
ЖурналKlinicheskaya Meditsina
Номер выпуска10
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 окт 1989

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ID: 34735553