The fact that the wavelength lambda(max), at which the linear polarization attains its maximum value, decreases with increasing distance phi from the center of the globule B5 was established by Bhatt [2] and explained by segregation of dust in globules. Photometric and polarimetric observations of stars in the region of B5 were performed, and it was found that the lambda(max) dependance on phi could be explained in another way. Namely, the relative contribution of the interstellar polarization to the observed one increases with increasing phi, and the wavelength dependence of polarization related to dust in the globule (lambda(max) congruent-to 0.8 congruent-to 1.0 mum) merges into the typical dependence for the diffuse interstellar medium with lambda(max) congruent-to 0.6 mum.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)245-249
Число страниц5
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1994

ID: 32476097