Transparent prismatic crystals of Pb 2(AsO 2OH)Cl 2 were collected in black metallurgical slag on the coast in the Punta Zeza area, 3 km south of the town of Lavrion, Greece. Analyses by energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) provided the following chemical composition: PbO 73.04, As 2O 3 15.97, Cl 11.42, O=Cl-2.58, total 97.85 wt.%. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of As = 1 is H x Pb 2.03(AsO 3) 1.00Cl 1.995 (x = 0.96). The infrared spectrum of Pb 2(AsO 2OH)Cl 2 has characteristic AsO 3 3- bands at 707 and 594 cm -1, O-H stretching vibrations at 3310 and 2900 cm -1 and a band at 1107 cm -1 which is assigned to As-O-H bending vibrations. The structure, which is monoclinic P21/m, a = 6.4235(8), b = 5.5399(7), c = 9.321(1) Å, β = 90.767(2), V = 331.67(7) Å 3, R 1 = 0.035, is identical to that of synthetic Pb 2(AsO 2OH)Cl 2 and contains two symmetrically unique Pb sites and one As site. The crystal structure is based on [Pb 2AsO 2OH] 2+ double chains interconnected via weak Pb-Cl bonds to produce a three-dimensional framework which is closely related to that of Pb oxysalt minerals containing [O 2Pb 3] 2+ chains of oxocentred [OPb 4] 6+ tetrahedra including mendipite, damaraite, rickturnerite and plumboselite.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)597-602
Число страниц6
ЖурналMineralogical Magazine
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2012

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Геохимия и петрология

ID: 9145363