Dark-green platy crystals of the new compound Pb31O 22Br10Cl8 (1) have been obtained by rapid quenching of a lead oxide halide melt. The structure of 1 (triclinic, P1, a = 12.1192(7) Å, b = 16.2489(10) Å, c = 18.3007(11) Å, α = 93.104(2)°, β= 95.809-(2)°, γ = 111.252(1)°, V = 3325.4(3) Å3, Z = 2) can be viewed as incorporation of [PbX6]4- halide units (X = Br, Cl) into the defect PbO matrix. The latter represents a two-dimensional [O22-Pb 30]16+ cationic layer of OPb4 tetrahedra that can be derived from the [OPb] tetrahedral layer observed in tetragonal PbO. The layer consists of 22 symmetrically inequivalent OPb4 tetrahedra and represents the topologically most complicated arrangement of tetrahedra known to date.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)3846-3848
Число страниц3
ЖурналInorganic Chemistry
Номер выпуска10
СостояниеОпубликовано - 15 мая 2006

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Физическая и теоретическая химия
  • Неорганическая химия

ID: 5013469