
  • entropy-25-01052

    Конечная издательская версия, 3,93 MB, Документ PDF


The transformation of high-molecular DNA from a random swollen coil in a solution to a discrete nanosized particle with the ordered packaging of a rigid and highly charged double-stranded molecule is one of the amazing phenomena of polymer physics. DNA condensation is a well-known phenomenon in biological systems, yet its molecular mechanism is not clear. Understanding the processes occurring in vivo is necessary for the usage of DNA in the fabrication of new biologically significant nanostructures. Entropy plays a very important role in DNA condensation. DNA conjugates with metal nanoparticles are useful in various fields of nanotechnology. In particular, they can serve as a basis for creating multicomponent nanoplatforms for theranostics. DNA must be in a compact state in such constructions. In this paper, we tested the methods of DNA integration with silver, gold and palladium nanoparticles and analyzed the properties of DNA conjugates with metal nanoparticles using the methods of atomic force microscopy, spectroscopy, viscometry and dynamic light scattering. DNA size, stability and rigidity (persistence length), as well as plasmon resonance peaks in the absorption spectra of systems were studied. The methods for DNA condensation with metal nanoparticles were analyzed.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи1052
Номер выпуска7
СостояниеОпубликовано - 12 июл 2023

ID: 108689070