We used x-ray photoemission and absorption spectroscopies to study the influence of thermal molecular oxygen exposure on the h-BN/Co(0001) and h-BN/Au/Co(0001) systems. The spectral analysis was supported by density functional theory calculations. It is shown that oxygen can intercalate h-BN on Co(0001) and also be embedded into its lattice, replacing the nitrogen atoms. Upon substitution, the structures containing one (BN 2 O) and three (BO 3 ) oxygen atoms in the boron atom environment are formed predominantly. In the case of gold-intercalated h-BN, only the (BN 2 O) structures are formed; the long-lasting oxygen exposures lead to etching of the h-BN layer.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи234004
Число страниц9
Номер выпуска23
СостояниеОпубликовано - 7 июн 2019

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ID: 41747208