• A. V. Vasil'ev
  • S. A. Aristov
  • G. K. Fukin
  • K. A. Kozhanov
  • M. P. Bubnov
  • V. K. Cherkasov

One-electron oxidation of aryl-substituted acetylenes ArC≡CX where X is an electron-withdrawing group gives different products, depending on the X substituent. Acetylenic substrates with medium-strength electron-withdrawing substituents, X = CO2R, COAr, COR, PO(OEt)2, give rise to tetrasubstituted ethenes X(ArCO)C=C(COAr)X. Compounds with strong electron-withdrawing groups (X = COCF3, COCO2R, CN) are converted into furan derivatives. Probable mechanisms of transformations of ArC≡CX radical cations into the final products are discussed. Radical cations derived from disubstituted acetylenes were characterized by ESR spectroscopy.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)791-802
Число страниц12
ЖурналRussian Journal of Organic Chemistry
Номер выпуска6
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 июн 2008

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Органическая химия

ID: 44012784