It is well known that a Lipschitz function on the real line does not have to be operator Lipschitz. We show that the situation changes dramatically if we pass to Hölder classes. Namely, we prove that if f belongs to the Hölder class Λα(R{double-struck}) with 0<α<1, then {norm of matrix}f(A)-f(B){norm of matrix}≤const{norm of matrix}A-B{norm of matrix}α for arbitrary self-adjoint operators A and B. We prove a similar result for functions f in the Zygmund class Λ1(R{double-struck}): for arbitrary self-adjoint operators A and K we have {norm of matrix}f(A-K)-2f(A)+f(A+K){norm of matrix}≤const{norm of matrix}K{norm of matrix}. We also obtain analogs of this result for all Hölder-Zygmund classes Λα(R{double-struck}), α>0. Then we find a sharp estimate for {norm of matrix}f(A)-f(B){norm of matrix} for functions f of class Λω=def{f:ωf(δ)≤constω(δ)} for an arbitrary modulus of continuity ω. In particular, we study moduli of continuity, for which {norm of matrix}f(A)-f(B){norm of matrix}≤constω({norm of matrix}A-B{norm of matrix}) for self-adjoint A and B, and for an arbitrary function f in Λω. We obtain similar estimates for commutators f(A)Q-Qf(A) and quasicommutators f(A)Q-Qf(B). Finally, we estimate the norms of finite differences ∑j=0m(-1)m-j(mj)f(A+jK) for f in the class Λω,m that is defined in terms of finite differences and a modulus continuity ω of order m. We also obtain similar results for unitary operators and for contractions.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)910-966
Число страниц57
ЖурналAdvances in Mathematics
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - июн 2010
Опубликовано для внешнего пользованияДа

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ID: 5209492