The mechanism of the effect of adsorbed oxygen on photoluminescence (PL) of ZnO powders and ZnO/Si ALD films in the UV–VIS regions was studied, simultaneously with the in-situ UV photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) and mass spectrometry (MS) measurements. We have found a drastic (up to 10 times) increase of the exciton PL along with a slight (by ~ 1.5 times) increase of green PL induced by thermo-reducing of ZnO surface in H 2 or CO atmosphere or by a UV–VIS photo-reducing in the vacuum. The reaction products H 2O, CO 2 and photo-desorbed O 2 were registered by the MS. According to UPS (8.43 eV), the change in PL is accompanied by a significant change in the surface dipole value δ without shift of the Fermi level E F or of the band bending V S. We believe that the slow surface states interact with the adsorbed oxygen and thus create a surface 2D-quantum well whose internal field destroys the excitons. The internal fast surface states not interacting with the slow ones provide a pinning of the Fermi level and the stability of the band bending value. The adsorbed oxygen also affects the surface defects thus reducing the VIS luminescence of ZnO.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)153-158
Число страниц6
ЖурналJournal of Luminescence
СостояниеОпубликовано - мар 2018

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  • Биохимия

ID: 11261156