• V. Amoskov
  • V. Belyakov
  • M. Burkanov
  • A. Bursikov
  • A. Firsov
  • Yu Ilyin
  • V. Kukhtin
  • E. Lamzin
  • M. Larionov
  • B. Lim
  • A. Mednikov
  • A. Nezhentzev
  • I. Rodin
  • N. Shatil
  • D. Stepanov
  • S. Sytchevsky
  • A. Ustinov
  • V. Vadatursky
  • V. Vasiliev

A measurement-based numerical reconstruction technique is proposed to control winding geometry of the poloidal coils manufactured for ITER. A detailed coil model is parameterized in terms of the magnetic characteristics. Deviations from the specified coil shape are evaluated in a comparison of reconstructed “ideal” field and data of magnetic measurements. The technique has been validated in the course of quality inspection of the dummy double pancake similar to the pancakes of the ITER PF1 coil. Experimental results are presented.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)94-103
Число страниц10
ЖурналFusion Engineering and Design
СостояниеОпубликовано - мая 2018

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Городское и структурное проектирование
  • Ядерная энергия и технология
  • Материаловедение (все)
  • Общее машиностроение

ID: 87909694