This study is focused on the numerical investigating of forces that affect electrocoalescence process in the droplet-layer system. At a certain electric field strength, the Coulomb forces become sufficient to slow down the process of droplet coalescence with the layer, which leads to the formation of a neck in the upper part of the droplet with subsequent separation of the secondary droplet. The area of the neck formation differs from the location of the initial bridge between droplet and layer, though they get closer with the increase in the electric field strength. The analysis of electrostatic and tension forces acting on the surface of the water phase lead us to deeper understanding of partial coalescence causes, which can further help to suppress this coalescence mode and provide more reliable dehydration of the emulsion.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииProceedings of the 2024 IEEE 5th International Conference on Dielectrics, ICD 2024
ИздательInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Число страниц4
ISBN (электронное издание)979-8-3503-0897-6
ISBN (печатное издание)9798350308976
СостояниеОпубликовано - 12 авг 2024
Событие5th IEEE International Conference on Dielectrics
- Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, Тулуза, Франция
Продолжительность: 30 июн 20244 июл 2024


конференция5th IEEE International Conference on Dielectrics
Сокращенное названиеICD 2024
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