WLCG DataLake R&D project aims at exploring an evolution of distributed storage while bearing in mind very high demands of HL-LHC era Its primary objective is to optimize hardware usage and operational costs of a storage system deployed across distributed centers connected by fat networks and operated as a single service. Such storage would host a large fraction of the WLCG data and optimize the cost, eliminating inefficiencies due to fragmentation. In this article we will emphasize on NRC "Kurchatov Institute" role in the DataLake project with highlight on our goals, achievements and future plans.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииSelected Papers of the 8th International Conference ""Distributed Computing and Grid-Technologies in Science and Education"", GRID 2018
Число страниц5
СостояниеОпубликовано - 30 дек 2018
Событие8th International Conference "Distributed Computing and Grid-Technologies in Science and Education", GRID 2018 - Dubna, Российская Федерация
Продолжительность: 10 сен 201814 сен 2018

Серия публикаций

НазваниеCEUR Workshop Proceedings
ИздательRWTH Aahen University
ISSN (печатное издание)1613-0073


конференция8th International Conference "Distributed Computing and Grid-Technologies in Science and Education", GRID 2018
Страна/TерриторияРоссийская Федерация

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