• Ziya S. Aliev
  • Imamaddin R. Amiraslanov
  • Daria I. Nasonova
  • Andrei V. Shevelkov
  • Nadir A. Abdullayev
  • Zakir A. Jahangirli
  • Elnur N. Orujlu
  • Mikhail M. Otrokov
  • Nazim T. Mamedov
  • Mahammad B. Babanly
  • Evgueni V. Chulkov

It is shown that MnTe-Bi2Te3 system is quasi-binary and in fact hosts three intermediate phases. Along with already known MnBi2Te4 phase, another two, MnBi4Te7 and MnBi6Te10 have been found to exist. All the phases melt incongruently in a very narrow temperature range of 577-590 degrees C via peritectic reactions. Directional crystal growth results in hetero-phase ingots due to the narrow compositional range and narrow primary crystallization fields. The crystal structure of each phase is a derivation of the prototype tetradymit-type layered structure and the phases constitute a new homologous series with the chemical formula (MnTe)center dot n(Bi2Te3). X-ray diffraction patterns and Raman spectroscopy of the sorted-out single phase samples show that different phases have different number of the seven (7)- and five (5)-layer blocks and their different stacking manner in the unit cell. In particular, MnBi2Te4 exhibits the -7-7-7-, MnBi4Te7 -5-7-5-7-, and MnBi6Te10 -5-5-7-5-5-7- sequence of the blocks. Thus, these structures are the first derivatives of Bi2Te3 structure to contain a transition metal cation Mn2+. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Язык оригиналаАнглийский
Страницы (с-по)443-450
Число страниц8
ЖурналJournal of Alloys and Compounds
СостояниеОпубликовано - 15 июн 2019

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ID: 41263050