• H. Geissel
  • Yu A. Litvinov
  • F. Attallah
  • K. Beckert
  • P. Beller
  • F. Bosch
  • D. Boutin
  • T. Faestermann
  • M. Falch
  • B. Franzke
  • M. Hausmann
  • M. Hellström
  • E. Kaza
  • Th Kerscher
  • O. Klepper
  • H. J. Kluge
  • C. Kozhuharov
  • K. L. Kratz
  • S. A. Litvinov
  • K. E.G. Löbner
  • L. Maier
  • M. Matoš
  • G. Münzenberg
  • F. Nolden
  • T. Ohtsubo
  • A. Ostrowski
  • Z. Patyk
  • B. Pfeiffer
  • M. Portillo
  • T. Radon
  • C. Scheidenberger
  • J. Stadlmann
  • M. Steck
  • D. J. Viera
  • H. Weick
  • M. Winkler
  • H. Wollnik
  • T. Yamaguchi

Recently, much progress has been made with stored exotic nuclei at relativistic velocities (v c = 0.7). Fragments of 208Pb and 209Bi projectiles and fission products from 238U ions were produced, separated in flight with the fragment separator FRS, and injected into the storage-cooler ring ESR for precision measurements. 114 new masses of neutron-deficient isotopes in the lead region have been measured with time-resolved Schottky Mass Spectrometry (SMS). A new isospin dependence of the pairing energy was observed due to the improved mass accuracy of typically 1.5×10-7 (30 keV). New masses of short-lived neutron-rich fission fragments have been obtained with Isochronous Mass Spectrometry (IMS). An innovative field of spectroscopy has been opened up with lifetime measurements of stored bare and few-electron fragments after applying both stochastic and electron cooling.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)150-155
Число страниц6
ЖурналNuclear Physics A
Номер выпуска1-4 SPEC.ISS.
СостояниеОпубликовано - 27 дек 2004

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  • Ядерная физика и физика высоких энергий

ID: 47742131