• Alisa Rudnitskaya
  • Dmitry V. Evtuguin
  • Jose A.F. Gamelas
  • Andrey Legin

The electronic tongue (ET) multisensor system has been employed for the detection of metal-oxygen cluster anions (polyoxometalates) containing vanadium (IV/V) atoms. Sensitivity of a variety of potentiometric chemical sensors with plasticized polyvinyl chloride and chalcogenide glass membranes was evaluated with respect to vanadyl/vanadate ions, decavanadate and a series of Keggin-type polyoxometalates (POM) such as α-[SiW11VIVO40]6-, α-[SiW11VVO40]5-, α-[BW11VIVO40]7-, α-[BW11VVO40]6-, α-[PW11VIVO40]5- and α-[PW12-nVn VO40](3+n)- (n = 1, 2, 3). Sensor's responses to vanadium complexes were evaluated in the pH range of 2.4-6.5 and a set of sensors appropriate for detecting a variety of vanadium species was selected. Such sensor array was able to distinguish different vanadium complexes allowing their simultaneous quantification in binary (V(IV)/V(V)) mixtures. The vanillyl alcohol oxidation with α-[SiW11VVO40]5- was monitored using ET to evaluate the capacity of proposed analytic system to detect simultaneously V(IV)/V(V) in POM under dynamic equilibrium. ET was demonstrated to be a promising tool for the discrimination and quantification of vanadium-containing POMs at different oxidation states. In particular, such a system could represent a significant interest for the mechanistic studies of redox reactions with POMs.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)497-505
Число страниц9
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 30 апр 2007

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Аналитическая химия

ID: 99347633