• F. Antinori
  • P. Bacon
  • A. Badal̀
  • R. Barbera
  • A. Belogianni
  • A. Bhasin
  • I. J. Bloodworth
  • M. Bombara
  • G. E. Bruno
  • S. A. Bull
  • R. Caliandro
  • M. Campbell
  • W. Carena
  • N. Carrer
  • R. F. Clarke
  • A. Dainese
  • A. P. De Haas
  • P. C. De Rijke
  • D. Di Bari
  • S. Di Liberto
  • R. Divià
  • D. Elia
  • D. Evans
  • R. A. Fini
  • P. Ganoti
  • B. Ghidini
  • G. Grella
  • H. Helstrup
  • K. F. Hetland
  • A. K. Holme
  • A. Jacholkowski
  • G. T. Jones
  • P. Jovanovic
  • A. Jusko
  • R. Kamermans
  • J. B. Kinson
  • K. Knudson
  • A. A. Kolozhvari
  • I. Králik
  • A. Kravčáková
  • P. Kuijer
  • V. Lenti
  • R. Lietava
  • G. Løvhøiden
  • V. Manzari
  • G. Martinská

The multiplicity of charged particles in the central rapidity region has been measured by the NA57 experiment in Pb-Pb collisions at the CERN SPS at two beam momenta: 158 A GeV/c and 40 A GeV/c. The value of dNch/dη at the maximum has been determined and its behaviour as a function of centrality has been studied in the centrality range covered by NA57 (about 50% of the inelastic cross section). The multiplicity increase is compatible with a logarithmic dependence on the centre of mass energy. The results are compared with those from other experiments and with the VENUS and RQMD models.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)321-335
Число страниц15
ЖурналJournal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Номер выпуска5
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 мая 2005

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Ядерная физика и физика высоких энергий

ID: 51040748