Результаты исследований: Публикации в книгах, отчётах, сборниках, трудах конференций › статья в сборнике материалов конференции › научная › Рецензирование
The study is focussed on the near-critical regimes of the moving load on a coated elastic half-space. The material properties of the coating are assumed to be depending on the vertical coordinate. The analysis relies on the hyperbolic-elliptic formulation for the Rayleigh wave induced by prescribed surface loading, containing an elliptic equation for the elastic potential governing its decay over the interior, and a singularly perturbed wave equation on the interface between the layer and the substrate. This scalar formulation allows significant simplifications, including in particular, classification of the near-resonant regimes. The method of fictitious absorption is then used in order to incorporate the effect of poles, associated with the radiation of energy from the moving source. Finally, numerical illustrations of results for several types of vertical inhomogeneity are presented.
Язык оригинала | английский |
Название основной публикации | EURODYN 2020 - 11th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Proceedings |
Редакторы | Manolis Papadrakakis, Michalis Fragiadakis, Costas Papadimitriou |
Издатель | European Association for Structural Dynamics |
Страницы | 2601-2611 |
Число страниц | 11 |
ISBN (электронное издание) | 9786188507210 |
Состояние | Опубликовано - 2020 |
Событие | 11th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2020 - Virtual, Athens, Греция Продолжительность: 23 ноя 2020 → 26 ноя 2020 |
Название | Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Dynamic , EURODYN |
Том | 2 |
ISSN (печатное издание) | 2311-9020 |
конференция | 11th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2020 |
Страна/Tерритория | Греция |
Город | Virtual, Athens |
Период | 23/11/20 → 26/11/20 |
ID: 74984188