
  • Vladimir V. Sharoyko
  • Irina I. Z Zaitseva
  • Mark Varsanyi
  • Neil Portwood
  • Barbara Leibiger
  • Ingo Leibiger
  • Per-Olof Berggren
  • Suad Efendi
  • Sergei V. Zaitsev
The monomeric G-protein, Rhes, is a candidate imidazoline-regulated molecule involved in mediating the insulin secretory response to efaroxan [S.L. Chan, L.K. Monks, H. Gao, P. Deaville, N.G. Morgan, Identification of the monomeric G-protein, Rhes, as an efaroxan-regulated protein in the pancreatic beta-cell, Br. J. Pharmacol. 136 (1) (2002) 31-36]. This suggestion was based on observations regarding changes in Rhes mRNA expression in rat islets and pancreatic beta-cells after prolonged culture with efaroxan, leading to desensitization of the insulin response to the compound. To verify this report, we have evaluated the effects of the imidazoline compounds efaroxan and BL11282 on Rhes mRNA expression in isolated rat pancreatic islets maintained in conditions identical to those used by Chan et al. The results demonstrate that desensitization of the insulin response to efaroxan, or to another imidazoline, BL11282, does not change Rhes mRNA expression levels. Transfection of MIN6 cells with plasmids containing R
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)1455-1459
ЖурналBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2005

ID: 5533210